
sirgringo - 2004-11-10 22:11:22
So you didn't get to play at all??? Well at least you got a little taste of what's to come! (pun intended) LOL
Garrison Steelle - 2004-11-11 00:20:25
So, the next time you see her, will you still help her dress? Of course, not being there I've no feeling for the real situation, but it sounds as though perhaps she were issuing an invitation. Or not. -G
Dawn (webmiztris) - 2004-11-11 10:15:50
Hee hee!! Sounds like fun, but it's too bad band guy wussed out. Man, he's going to regret that one later!! He's probably punching himself in the face right now.
Kevin - 2004-11-27 00:50:25
What did she end up wearing? You hint at it but don't really elaborate?
Daphne - 2004-12-21 15:22:33
Don't know where you are located, but I'm also a swinger and I like your attitude towards the lifestyle. I've been having issues with it, but hopefully I can overcome them with some help from your blog. I think women in the scene need to talk to each other about our concerns because I really feel like we have few outlets (at least I do!). So, I would appreciate any friendly contact you'd like to initiate. BTW, hot entry about you and the other woman. ;)

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