
Michael - 2004-08-21 09:14:51
Hey sweety. Well I read your blog all the time and I really find you to be an intriguing person. You have such an interesting lifestyle. I can relate to you in a few ways cause well.. what can I say. Im a teen. Teens are curious, adventurous people. On several occasions me and a few of my friends have just fooled around with eachother. Ofcourse we've never gone the full way as thats probably a little bit serious for a bunch of 16 year olds. We've always followed this one rule though. If you're in a relationship, you're partner has to be there and has to give permission. Otherwise its a bit unfair and can seem rude. I guess the whole point of this was to tell you that I really admire the trust that you have in your husband. I'd certainly find it hard to let one of my boyfriends/girlfriends mess around with someone without me there. For you to have such great trust in your husband, he must also be an admirable person. I find you to be an inspiring person and I aint going to stop reading your diary. Thanks <3 Michael.
[email protected] - 2006-05-04 23:29:41
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